Get to know me.

Get to know me: dilchh in the middle.

Photo by Tan Danh from Pexels.

I’m the middle child. I have an older sister with a 16 months gap between the two of us. I have a younger brother with a three years and one month gap between the two of us. To some extent, I am your classic middle child. That is, if you think middle child is someone that is often forgotten, deprived of attention from both Mum and Dad, hates conflict, and an attention seeker (to some extent). Do I resent being a middle child? Nope. Not even a slight hesitation in my answer.

On Monday morning I read two things that inspired this writing; one, that middle child is going extinct (something that caught my attention back in January but never got around to reading the article), and two, measles outbreak in Europe. Wait, what? What does middle child going extinct have something to do with measles? Did measles caused the extinction? Not to my knowledge. Well, this was the story I was going to tell you.

Continue reading “Get to know me: dilchh in the middle.”

Get to know me.

Get to know me: I’m an obstinate headstrong person.

Photo by Swapnil Deshpandey from Pexels

There will come a time where you’ll encounter a battle that for others seem petty and unimportant, but the very essence of you as a human being lies in fighting this battle, regardless of the outcome. I have just encounter mine. And I have decided to not go down without a fight. This is the story.

Continue reading “Get to know me: I’m an obstinate headstrong person.”

Get to know me.

Get to know me: I am more than what my gender dictates me out to be.

What does it mean to be a girl? I have been a girl and identified as one for 30 years, and yet I still don’t know what it means to be a girl. I am more concerned about what it means to be human, or to be completely frank, I just try to survive each day without having an existential crisis.

Continue reading “Get to know me: I am more than what my gender dictates me out to be.”

Get to know me.

Get to know me: How I realised that I actually knew what I want to do with my life.

I once told a friend that I really wanted to be successful, and famous for that matter. I want to have an excuse to write a memoir. A memoir in which I will recount all the many weird stories that have happened in my life that have shaped me to be the amazingly sarcastic bitter person that I am today. But let’s be honest, I am not seeing this successful life in which I would be allowed to write about my life story happening soon.

But, and here’s a big but, I have a blog. I am allowed to write anything I want in my blog, provided that I don’t write things to deliberately hurt other people. That being said, I’d probably start sporadically write some snippets of my life; stories of who I am before all the hullabaloo that is adulthood took over (and possibly somewhere in between in all).

Great, now that I gave you enough prologue about why I’ll be writing about the story of my life, here’s the first story.

Continue reading “Get to know me: How I realised that I actually knew what I want to do with my life.”